1.Fencing the Cows
二维凸包(Convex Hulls)问题。
以下是usaco training上的教程:
- Find a point which will be within the convex hull:【注1】
- Calculate the angle that each point makes with the x axis (within the range 0 to 360 degrees)【注2】
- Sort the points based on this angle
- Add the first two points
- For every other point except the last point
- Make it the next point in the convex hull
- Check to see if the angle it forms with the previous two points is greater than 180 degrees. As long as the angle formed with the last two points is greater than 180 degrees, remove the previous point【注3】
- To add the last point
- Perform the deletion above,
- Check to see if the angle the last point forms with the previous point and the first point is greater than 180 degrees or if the angle formed with the last point and the first two points is greater than 180 degrees.【注4】
- If the first case is true, remove the last point, and continue checking with the next-to-last point.
- If the second case is true, remove the first point and continue checking.
- Stop when neither case is true.
- The adding of the points is linear time, as is the calculation of the angles. Thus, the run-time is dominated by the time of the sort, so gift-wrapping runs in O(nlogn) time, which is provably optimal.
计算各个点与中点的连线与x轴的夹角(在0到2pi之间),这个可以使用C语言math.h库函数中的atan2(double y,double x)来实现,不过注意atan2的值域是(-pi,pi],需要进一步将其映射到[0,2pi)区间内。此外注意atan2(0,0)==0,所以我们可以放心地将其应用到中点和点集中某点重合的情况。
2.Starry Night
3.Musical Themes
dp[i-1]+1(if note[i-dp[i-1]]...note[i]这个序列或其变调形式
dp[i-1](if not)
Let theme(i,j) be the length of the longest theme which occurs starting at both note i and j.
Note that if note[i+1]-note[i]==note[j+1]-note[j], than theme(i,j)=1+theme(i+1,j+1). Otherwise, theme(i,j)=1.
Thus, we order the search in such a way that theme(i,j) is tested immediately after theme(i+1,j+1), keeping track of the length of the current theme, as well as the length of the longest theme found so far.
#include <fstream.h> int n; int note[5000]; int main () { ifstream filein ("theme.in"); filein >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) filein >> note[i]; filein.close (); int longest = 1; for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { int length = 1; for (int j = n - i - 1 - 1; j >= 0; --j) { if (note[j] - note[j + 1] == note[j + i] - note[j + i + 1]) { ++length; if (length > i) length = i; if (longest < length) longest = length; } else { length = 1; } } } ofstream fileout ("theme.out"); fileout << ((longest >= 5) ? longest : 0) << endl; fileout.close (); exit (0); }