我们将所有能写成 p2+q2 (p,q>=0)的数字成为bisquare数,在bisquare集合中有多少长度为N(3<=N<=25)的等差序列?我们规定p,q的取值区间为[0,M](1<=M<=250),且等差序列的公差大于0。
/* ID: ******* LANG: C TASK: ariprog */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int N,M; FILE *fin,*fout; typedef struct{ int first; int diff; }R; R seq[10001]; int tailSeq; int bisq[32000]; int tailBisq; int hash[125001]; int cmpint(const void *a, const void *b){ return(*(int *)a-*(int *)b); //升序 } int cmpR(const void *a, const void *b){//先按公差比较,再按首项比较 R aa=*(R*)a; R bb=*(R*)b; if(aa.diff==bb.diff){ return aa.first-bb.first; } return aa.diff-bb.diff; } int main(){ fin=fopen("ariprog.in","r"); fout=fopen("ariprog.out","w"); fscanf(fin,"%d %d",&N,&M); int i,j; for(i=0;i<125001;i++)hash[i]=0; tailBisq=-1; for(i=0;i<=M;i++){ for(j=i;j<=M;j++){ bisq[++tailBisq]=i*i+j*j; hash[bisq[tailBisq]]=1;//哈希表记录某数字是否在bisquare数字集合中 } } qsort(bisq,tailBisq+1,sizeof(int),cmpint); int count=0; int pre=-1; for(i=0;i<=tailBisq;i++){//排序后去重 if(bisq[i]!=pre){ bisq[count]=bisq[i]; count++; pre=bisq[i]; } } tailBisq=count-1; tailSeq=-1; int first,last; for(first=0;first<=tailBisq;first++){ for(last=first+N-1;last<=tailBisq;last++){//枚举首项和尾项 int diff=bisq[last]-bisq[first]; if(diff==0)continue; if(diff%(N-1)!=0)continue;//剪枝 diff=diff/(N-1); for(i=1;i<=N-2;i++)//查看中间项是否是bisquare数 if(hash[bisq[first]+diff*i]==0) break; if(i>N-2){//记录符合条件的等差序列 R r; r.first=bisq[first]; r.diff=diff; seq[++tailSeq]=r; } } } qsort(seq,tailSeq+1,sizeof(R),cmpR); for(i=0;i<=tailSeq;i++){ fprintf(fout,"%d %d\n",seq[i].first,seq[i].diff); } if(tailSeq==-1)fprintf(fout,"NONE\n"); return 0; }
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